Acoustic signaler (beeper)
Depending on the operating mode of the device, the beeper uses different melodies or
individual sounds to indicate the following results:
Fulfillment or non-fulfillment of a configured condition during reading operation
(e.g., Good Read)
The completion of device functions triggered by the user or ended by quitting
(confirmation of operation steps)
Completion of functions (positive or negative confirmation)
Table 13: Beeper behavior
Operating mode
Switch on device
Successful self-test and start of reading operation: Melody
Read operation
Confirmation of Good Read in default setting: sound.
Configurable event condition
Percentage evaluation
Start: melody
100 scans per reading: one tone
End: melody
Downloading parameters to the device:
Start: melody, successful completion: melody
Parameter upload from device: No sound
Firmware download
Start: one tone, successful completion: one tone
Reboot device:
Successful completion: melody
Loading the sdd file into the device:
Successful completion: Mel‐
Assignment e.g., via the SOPAS ET configuration software
Beeper Default Setting:
Switched on, volume: quiet, reading operation: output condition “Good Read”.
Operating options
The device can be configured according to application in the following manner:
Locally at the device with the SOPAS ET configuration software. Backup of the
parameter set as a configuration file on the computer using SOPAS ET. Access to
the device via AUX interface (RS-232).
As an alternative to the SOPAS ET configuration software, command strings are
available, upon which the operator interface of the configuration software is also
based. These are also for the triggering of device functions (e.g. reading). Docu‐
ments on the command strings can be obtained from SICK on request.
The SOPAS ET configuration software is used for device diagnostics in case of a fault.
The device operates fully automatically when operational.
8017840/19OF/2021-10-28 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | CLV61x
Subject to change without notice