Set Flow Rate (Suction Flow Rate Set Value)
When "1 Set Flow Rate" is selected and the [ENTER] key is pressed, the preset flow rate is
Set ON Time (ON Timer Set Value)
When "2 Set ON Time" is selected and the [ENTER] key is pressed, one of the ON timers -
Manual, Delay Time and Start Time - preset at "Select Timer" is displayed.
Set OFF Time (OFF Timer Set Value
When "3 Set OFF Time" is selected and the [ENTER] key is pressed, one of the OFF timers -
Manual, Run Time, Stop Time and Total Volume - preset at "Select Timer" is displayed.
7.5 After Sampling is Stopped
Sampling is stopped either by the preset timer
time being reached or by pressing the
[START/STOP] key. When sampling ends normally,
"Finished Memorizing" is displayed, followed by
"Finished...Memory Time Remaining : ###hrs." ("#"
stands for a number.)
"Memory Time Remaining : ###hrs" is the
remaining memory time in which data can be
logged. The maximum data logger time is 133
hours (about 5 days). Also, the maximum sampling
count is 99. When the remaining memory time has
fallen below one hour, or the sampling count has
reached 99, clear memory (Clear Logs).
For details, see P35.)
To perform sampling longer than the remaining memory time of the data
logger or to perform sampling with the sampling count exceeding 99, data is
not logged in chronological order at 1-minute intervals.
When "Finished..." is displayed, press the [DOWN] key. The total flow rate during sampling is
F i n i s h e d
P r e s s
[ D O W N ]
t o
d i s p l a y
" T o
t a l
V o l u m e " .
M e m o r y
T i m e
R e m a i n i n g : 1 3 3 h r s