All Rights Reserved Shyam Telecom Limited
Next Generation
Signal Enhancement
2. Disclaimer
Every attempt has been made to make this material complete, accurate, and
up-to-date. Users are cautioned, however, that Shyam Telecom Limited
reserves the right to make changes without notice and shall not be
responsible for any damages including consequential, caused by reliance of
the contents presented, including, but not limited to, typographical,
arithmetical, or listing errors.
Product name(s) referenced in this document may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies, and are hereby
In areas with unstable power grids (mains) all repeaters must be installed with
a voltage regulator ensuring a constant voltage level at the repeater power
input. A maximum voltage deviation should remain within the input range to
the repeaters for warranty purposes.
All antennas must be installed with lighting protection. Damage to internal
modules, as a result of lightning is not covered by the warranty.
All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
3. Safety Instructions and Warnings
3.1. Personnel Safety
Before installing or replacing any equipment, the entire manual should be
read and understood. The user needs to supply the appropriate AC power to
the Repeater. Incorrect AC power settings can damage the repeater and may
cause injury to the user.
Throughout this manual, there are "Caution" warnings, "Caution" calls
attention to a procedure or practice, which, if ignored, may result in injury or
damage to the system or system component or even the user. Do not
perform any procedure preceded by a "Caution" until the described
conditions are fully understood and met.
3.2. Equipment Safety
When installing, replacing or using this product, observe all safety
precautions during handling and operation. Failure to comply with the
following general safety precautions and with specific precautions described
elsewhere in this manual violates the safety standards of the design,
manufacture, and intended use of this product. Shyam Telecom Limited
assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these
precautions. This entire manual should be read and understood before
operating or maintaining the repeater system.