All Rights Reserved Shyam Telecom Limited
Next Generation
Signal Enhancement
Select the Connection Type as “REMOTE”.
Select the computer’s Comm. Port where the wireless Modem
is connected.
Click “OK”.
Now click the DIALUP on the command bar to display the
DIALUP window.
Enter / Select the repeater phone number.
Click the “DIAL” and wait (maximum 60 seconds) for
A message “CONNECTED” will appear on the screen after the modem
Connection is established.
Click the “DISCONNECT” on the DIALUP window to disconnect
remote communication with the repeater.
Wireless Modem (Optional) is equipped inside the housing of the
repeater and it can be easily located through a sticker provided on the
same. It has a groove with SIM cardholder in which the SIM card can be
inserted for remote communication.
VI) Security (Figure 14)
The system has been incorporated with “Security” to protect the
settings and to avoid unauthorized access. It is through a Password,
which can be set/reset. Click the Password on the command bar to
display Password Setting window where administrator can change
When the communication between repeater & PC/Laptop is in progress
through USB:
1. Do not remove cable from the USB port.
2. Do not switch off the repeater.
In case the communication is not required any more, click at EXIT before
removing cable from USB port to avoid hanging of the PC/Laptop. In case
the PC/Laptop goes in to hanging mode, it has to be restarted after
closing/switching OFF & ON the repeater.