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Ascom DECT Handset Function Verification
The following steps can be used to verify proper operation of the Ascom DECT Handsets.
Place calls from the Ascom DECT Handsets and verify two-way audio.
Place a call to the Ascom DECT Handsets, allow the call to be directed to voicemail, leave a voicemail
message and verify the MWI message is received.
Using each Ascom DECT Handset that received a voicemail, connect to the voicemail system to retrieve
the voicemail and verify the MWI clears.
Place calls to the Ascom DECT Handsets and exercise calling features such as transfer and hold.
Ascom Technical Support
For local US/Canada support:
1-877-71ASCOM or 1-877-712-7266
For world wide support:
46 31 55 9450
For international customer: