960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 www.ShoreTel.com
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Step Description
Navigate to the DECT Master frame by clicking DECT and then clicking Master.
Use the drop-down list for
and select “Active”. You will see the following display screen telling
you to configure the admin password on the DECT/System page. Click OK. Click on the
link and then the following OK button, to rest the system.
Make sure you check the
Enable Pari function
box. Use the
drop-down list to set
the protocol to “SIP”. The
IP-PBX Proxy
is set to the IP address of the ShoreGear Switch that you
enabled SIP Proxy ports. The
Max. Internal number length
should be set to the length of your
internal extension lenght. Checking the
Enbloc Dialing
box will allow for post dialing. You should
also enable (check) the following parameters:
Allow DTMF through RTP, Accept inbound calls not
routed via home proxy
Register with number.
We also recommend that you configure
Registration time-to-live
to a value of 3600. Click
when finished.