960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 www.ShoreTel.com
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Figure 7 – Administration/Sites
This selection brings up the “Sites” screen. Within the “Sites” screen, select the name of the site to
configure. The “Edit Site” screen will then appear. Scroll down to the “
SIP Proxy
” parameters (
Figure 8 – Site Screen SIP Proxies
The “Virtual IP Address” parameter is a new configuration parameter beginning with ShoreTel 8. This
“Virtual IP Address” is an IP address that can be moved to a different switch during a failure. For each
site that supports SIP extensions, one “Virtual IP Address” is defined that will act as the SIP Proxy for
the site. This IP address must be unique and static.
The ShoreTel server will assign this “Virtual IP Address” to the ShoreGear that is configured as SIP
proxy for the site. Two ShoreGear switches can be configured as SIP proxy servers for redundancy and
reliability purposes. If the primary proxy server goes down, the other proxy switch will take over the
“Virtual IP Address.” Due to this “Virtual IP Address” mechanism, SIP phones will not know if the
proxy switch goes off-line.