960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 www.ShoreTel.com
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Ascom DECT Handset Configuration
Refer to the following documents to obtain information on the procedures for subscribing and registering the
Ascom DECT Handsets to the Ascom IP-DECT Base Station.
User Manual Ascom d41 DECT Handset, Document number TD 92582EN
User Manual Ascom d62 DECT Handset, Document number TD 92477GB.
User Manual Ascom d81 DECT Handset, Document number TD 92644GB
Ascom Troubleshooting
Ascom DECT Handset Registration Verification
The following steps can be used to ascertain the registration state of the Ascom DECT Handsets that the
Ascom IP-DECT Base Station is configured to support.
From a web browser open up a connection to the Ascom IP-DECT Master Base Station. Navigate to the Users
frame by clicking Users then clicking Users and then clicking show. A Registration state of
indicates that an Ascom DECT Handset has not registered to the Ascom IP-DECT Base Station and a
registration is requested by that particular extension. A Registration state of
indicates that an
Ascom DECT Handset has connected to the Ascom IP-DECT Base Station and is requested by that particular
extension. A Registration state that displays the IP Address of the ShoreTel IP-PBX indicates the extension
has successfully registered to both the Ascom IP-DECT Base Station and ShoreTel IP-PBX.