my Zaurus SL-C3000 and SL-C3100
174 of 212
16/09/2007 12:23
Shift+Alt+Right = Send to next Desktop
Ctrl+Alt+d = Toggle Show Desktop
Ctrl+Alt+m = Toggle Maximize/Restore Window
Fn+Ctrl+Alt+Down = MoveRelativeVert
Fn+Ctrl+Alt+Up = MoveRelativeVert
Fn+Ctrl+Alt+Left = MoveRelativeHorz
Fn+Ctrl+Alt+Right = MoveRelativeHorz
Alt+Tab = Switch forward between running Applications
Alt+Shift+Tab = Switch backward between running Applications
Alt+0 = MaximizeFull
Alt+5 = UnmaximizeFull
Alt+9 = Iconify
Alt+8 = Resize
Alt+7 = Move
Alt+4 = Close
Alt+6 = ToggleShade
Menu = Activate Launch Menu
Home = Mode
Mail = rox
Address = xmms
Calendar = mrxvt
Shift+Calendar = aterm
Ctrl+Alt+c = screencap
Shift+Ctrl+c = screencap
Some function keys have been remapped as follows:
Super+1 = Switch VGA mode (320x240)
Super+2 = Switch SVGA mode (640x480)
Super+3 = Decrease Brightness
Super+4 = Increase Brightness
Super+5 = Refresh
The silkscreen keys are mapped as follows by default:
Home = dilllo
Mail = sylpheed
Address = xmms
Calendar = rox
Dictionary = stardict
To reduce finger movements, I also added extra mappings so that instead of pressing Fn+Ctrl+Alt,
you can also use the Home key instead, and instead of Ctrl+Alt, you can use the Super key (right
kanji key). I also associated most Alt+key combos to be also activated by Home+key as well.
The above changes can be done by modifying
which is by default located under
, but may also be located under /home/root/.config/openbox/. In pdaXii13, those
two locations are symbolically linked.The silkscreen and shortcut keys at the bottom of the
keyboard can also be changed using the
Input Setup
SCIM input language switching can be activated by pressing
When you plug in a USB keyboard, you can automatically remap the keys so that the keys on the
external keyboard are mapped correctly, but it will result in the Zaurus keyboard being mismapped.
When the external keyboard is unplugged, the keymapping for the zaurus keyboard is restored. This
is handled by the hotplug subsystem.