my Zaurus SL-C3000 and SL-C3100
164 of 212
16/09/2007 12:23
CF pcmcia service works on both OZ and pdaXrom, however, the CF card is not automatically
mounted after reboot
SD card service works on both but by default is significantly slower on OZ since it uses the
option instead of
IrDA - seems to work on both distros but not much tested since it is not that useful these days
Sound - is flakey on both pdaXrom and OZ. pdaXrom loses sound on suspend/resume while OZ
does not have proper volume control and autosensing when the headphone is plugged in
Rotation - between landscape and portrait style is supported by both distros, ie it is detected,
but the resulting rotation is not so perfect depending on the window manager used. it works
correctly on pdaXrom with openbox, but needs hack to work properly on OZ with matchbox
Keyboard Mapping
The main keys on the keyboard is mapped correctly on both distros, but is not very well
documented on how to customise the keymaps. Some special keys are missing on both distros.
Sticky keys can be enabled on pdaXrom which does not seem to be the case in OZ. Multi-key does
not seem to work on OZ.
Window Manager
OZ uses the matchbox window manager which looks quite ugly. Fluxbox is also available. pdaXrom
by default uses openbox with matchbox components as applets. It looks very nice. There are also a
host of alternate window managers available for pdaXrom such as icewm, xfce, fluxbox and kde. All
those window managers can automatically resize the application window on load to fit the screen
except for openbox which is the pdaXrom default window manager.
TaskBar and Applets
The pdaXrom taskbar looks exceptionally pretty while OZ taskbar is rather dull. None of them have
a docking view for minimised applications. A taskbar applet is available for both distros as well as a
set of other useful applets such as clock applets and battery/cpu status applets. However, OZ does
not have a working applet for ejecting removable cards. None of them have a swap management
The default theme on pdaXrom is quite pretty and can be customised through the theme config
applet, but switching themes requires manual editing of the config file. The OZ theme, on the other
hand can easily be switched and customised through its config applet, however, switching the
theme on OZ results in some applications, namely abiword, to crash.
Config Tools
The config tools in both pdaXrom and OZ are a bit flakey and don't always work properly. The
date/time tool is very hard to invoke from the taskbar in pdaXrom, although it works when invoked
from the menu. The date/time tool for OZ does not work. You cannot use it to change the date or
time. There is no applet in OZ to configure sound. The pdaXrom sound applet has no effect while
applications that use sound are active.
Suspend and resume is a bit flakey on pdaXrom. When it works, it works fine, but at times, it does
not work reliably. Suspend works fine in OZ, however, resume sometimes behaves flakey.
Screen Capture
Screen capturing is an easy task in OZ, however, this feature is missing in the default pdaXrom
install. It can be added with contributed packages, although it is not as integrated as in OZ.
There are more useful applications in pdaXrom. There may be more packages in OZ, but the
number of truely useful applications is greater on pdaXrom although some are oversized and don't
fit on the Z's screen. A lot of the dialog boxes in both OZ and pdaXrom are also oversized. Some
keys are incorrectly mapped in some of the applications. Most applications depending on SDL
libraries, for example, have wrongly mapped keys. Firefox also has many missing keys on OZ.