my Zaurus SL-C3000 and SL-C3100
16 of 212
16/09/2007 12:23
[xchat_2.6.0_arm.ipk] - IRC Client
[xmms_1.2.10-4_arm.ipk] - Media Player
[xpad_2.11_arm.ipk] - Sticky Pad
[xpdf_3.01-4_arm.ipk] - PDF Viewer
[xpdf-tools_3.01-4_arm.ipk] - PDF Extraction Tools
[xournal_0.3.1_arm.ipk] - Journal App
pdaXQtrom Games packages
[cgoban_1.9.12_arm.ipk] - gnu go
[gnuchess_5.07_arm.ipk] - chess
[gsoko_0.4.2_arm.ipk] - sokoban
[gtkatlantic_0.4.0_arm.ipk] - monopoly client
[xbomb_2.1a_arm.ipk] - minesweeper
[xdemineur_2.1.1_arm.ipk] - minesweeper
[xkobo_1.11+w01_arm.ipk] - space game
[xpuyopuyo_0.9.8_arm.ipk] - puzzle
[xshogi_1.3_arm.ipk] - gnu shogi
[xsokoban_3.3c_arm.ipk] - sokoban
Getting Started:
Before embarking on customisation and hacking your Zaurus, you need to know how to handle it.
There is a very good manual written by
on this topic. Please refer to TRIsoft's C3000
manual which they provide for free:
- the original TRIsoft quickstart manual in German
- the translated TRIsoft quickstart manual in English
The TRIsoft quickstart manual is a very good summary on all the important things you need to
know in order to operate your Zaurus. I personally prefer their original German version. Their
English translation is not perfect but it is much easier to read than the original Sharp manual which
is in Japanese. The TRIsoft manual concisely summarises just the important facts that you need.
User Manual:
Once you have learned how to handle your Zaurus and discovered some of its features, you
probably want to learn how to use the applications that come with the Zaurus. This shouldn't be a
problem for most savy users, but nevertheless,
have taken the time and written a complete
user manual for the C3000, and they have made it available online: