Using the CD-ROM Drive
If the CD-ROM drive is installed in the drive bay, use it as follows.
Locate and identify the three features on the front of the CD-ROM drive; the
eject tray button, the recessed mechanical eject button, and the drive activity
Activity indicator
Eject tray button
Manual tray eject button (recessed)
Press the eject tray button to eject the tray for the CD-ROM disk.
Place the CD on the tray so that the central hole in the CD fits over the spindle
in the disk tray. Don’t apply excess downward force on the disk tray.
Press the tray back into the CD-ROM drive until it clicks closed.
To remove a CD, wait until the activity indicator shows that the disk in the drive
is not being read. Press the eject tray button and remove the disk from the tray.
If you need to remove a CD from the drive while the computer is turned off, or
while the drive module is removed from the computer, insert the end of a paper
clip, or similar utensil, into the manual tray eject button. This unlocks the tray
and lets you pull the tray all the way open to remove the CD.