3 – 3
3. No/ineffective cooling
No display on panel or
any one of the buttons
Transformer (Discharge
transformer before testing)
Check resistance between the two input/output lines on transformer. Replace the
transformer if either of the input/output is open or the transformer is damaged.
Display board or main PCB
Check the voltage of display board. Replace the display board if it is +5V else replace
the main PCB.
Remote control failure.
Battery failure
Check the voltage of battery. Replace batteries if the voltage is lower than 2.3V.
Stop instantly after star-
The amount of the refrigerant is too much, making the compressor load too big. Recy-
cle and recharge the refrigerant after checking for the reason.
The compressor is seized. Replace after checking for the reason.
Fan motor will not run.
Transformer (Discharge
transformer before testing)
Check resistance between the two input/output lines on transformer. Replace the
transformer if either of the input/output is open or the transformer is damaged.
No power
Check voltage at electrical outlet. Correct if none.
Power supply cord
Check voltage at the power cord terminal on Main PCB. Replace the power cord if
Wire disconnected or connec-
tion loose
Connect wire. Refer to wiring diagram for terminal identification. Repair or replace
loose terminal.
Main PCB failure
Select fan speed and Check the voltage on main PCB. Replace the main PCB if no
voltage in all three.
Capacitor (Discharge capaci-
tor before testing)
Test capacitor. Replace if not /-10% of manufacture's rating. Replace if
shorted, open or damaged.
Will not rotate
Fan blade hitting shroud or blower hitting scroll. Realign assembly. Check fan motor
bearings. Replace the motor if motor shaft do not rotate.
Wh eth er the di spl ay p an el
d isp la y on e o f the fol lo win g
sig n al ?
in d ica tes r oo m temp
se nso r fa il ur e.
in d ica tes i nd oo r p ip e
se nso r fa il ur e.
In di cate s the ai r fi lte r
n ee ds to cle an in g.
Wh eth er the comp re ssor
ca n st a rt i n co ol in g mo de
e ven if i t soo n sto ps?
Ch eck te mpe ra tur e se ttin g.
Ch eck co mpr esso r
ca pa cito r.
Ch eck th e vo lta ge be twee n
Co mpr esso r r el ay o n ma in
P CB a nd N on po wer cor d.
Re pl ace the comp re ssor.
vo lta ge
Re pl ace the mai n P CB.
Ch eck wi ri n g .
Ch eck wh eth er the in do or
o utl et/i nl et o f the un it i s
b lo cked or the ven t. do or is
o pe n.
Ch eck wh eth er the ai r fi lte r
o r E vap . or Con d. i s di rty.
Ch eck wh eth er the ou tdo or
o utl et o r i nl et o f the un it i s
b lo cked .
Ch eck wh eth er the Eva p. i s
fro sti n g an d th e co mpr esso r
sto ps fr eq ue ntl y.
Ch eck th e sp ee d o f moto r.
Ch eck l ea kag e.
Re cyc le re fri ge ra nt a nd
b ra ze th e l ea kag e p oi nt.
Vacu um a nd re cha rg e.
Ch eck th e fa n ca pa cito r.
Re pl ace the moto r.
Ch eck so ft star t mod ul e
(i f fitte d ).
Содержание AF-R100FX
Страница 14: ...AFS120FX 2 2 2 PRINTED WIRING BOARD 1 Main control PWB ...
Страница 15: ...AFS120FX 2 3 2 Display control PWB ...
Страница 20: ...AFS120FX 3 5 MEMO ...