420 774 335 397 www.sharks-shop.cz Stránka 46
Oil change
RECOMMENDATION: Drain the used oil from a slightly warm engine.
Unscrew the oil tank and drain plug, let the used oil drain into your prepared pan.
After draining the oil, tighten the drain plug and washer (make sure it is not damaged) and tighten.
Pour the oil tank prescribed oil at the desired level.
WARNING: If your skin repeatedly comes into prolonged contact with engine oil, engine oil can cause
skin cancer. Although it is unlikely, it is advisable, if you come up with engine oil daily contact,
immediately after changing the oil, wash hands with soap and water.
Please store used oil in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection and in
compliance with local regulations and laws. We recommend oil stored in a sealed container and take it
to a recycling center or the nearest service center. Do not dispose of the oil tank in the garbage.
Replacement spark plug
To ensure proper operation of the engine spark plug must be set correctly
and must be clean.
CAUTION: When the engine is running the silencer heats. Do not touch it. It is very hot.
1. Remove the spark plugs cable and remove the spark plug.
2. Clean dirt around the perimeter of the base of the candle.
3. removing the candles, use the correct key.
4. Visually check the spark plug. If the insulation is damaged, chipped or cracked, replace it. If the
candle reused, clean it with a wire brush.
5. Measure the gap candles gauge joints. If necessary, the gap dimension correct carefully bending
the electrode. The gap should be in the range of 0.7 to 0.8 millimeters.
6. Check the status of washers candles and candle-start thread.
7. After sealing the spark plug tighten it so that there is a pressing pad.
When installing a new spark plug - tighten the plug after landing on the mat yet ½ turn to candle tight.
When deploying a used spark plug, tighten the spark plug after landing on the mat 1/8 - ¼ turn.
NOTE: The spark plug must be securely tightened. An improperly tightened plug can overheat and
cause engine damage!
Never use a spark plug with an incorrect heat range. Use only the recommended spark plugs or
equivalent candles.
Maintenance of air filter
Dirty filters restrict airflow to the carburetor. To prevent carburetor malfunction, the filter should be
cleaned regularly. If the carburetor is working in extremely dusty conditions, perform a cleaning service
or changing the filter more often.
WARNING: Use of gasoline or a flammable solution to clean the filter can cause an explosion blazing
sky. Therefore, use only soapy water or nonflammable solution.
NOTE: Never operate the generator without a filter. This will cause rapid engine wear!
1. Open the spring-loaded latch the filter cover, remove the filter cover and remove the filter.
2. Wash the filter in a solution of household detergent and warm water or wash it in a nonflammable
detergent or solvent. Filter perfectly dry.
3. Replace the filter into the slot and replace the cover.