Remove fuel cap slowly when refueling.
This engine is certified to operate on unleaded petrol. Before operation,
petrol must be mixed with a good quality 2-stroke air-cooled engine oil
designed to be mixed at a ratio of 40: 1
A 40:1 ratio is obtained by mixing 5 litres of unleaded petrol with 0.125
litres of oil. DO NOT USE automotive oil or marine oil. When mixing fuel,
follow instructions printed on oil container. Once oil is added to petrol,
shake the container to assure that the fuel is thoroughly mixed.
CAUTION: Never use straight petrol in your unit. This will cause permanent
engine damage.
Use good quality unleaded petrol. The lowest recommended octane grade
is 90 (RON).
IMPORTANT: Use of alcohol blended fuels (more than 10% alcohol) can
cause major engine performance and durability problems.
WARNING: Incorrect use of fuel and/or lubricants will cause problems such
as: improper clutch engagements, overheating, vapor lock, power loss, lu-
brication deficiency, deterioration of fuel lines, gaskets and internal carbu-
retor components, etc. Alcohol blended fuels will cause a high absorption
of moisture in the fuel/oil mixture, causing the separation of oil and fuel.
• While vacuuming or blowing debris,
hold the unit with the muffler side
facing away from your body and
• To reduce the risk of hearing loss
associated with sound level(s),
hearing protection is required.
• To reduce the risk of injury associ-
ated with contacting rotating parts,
stop the engine before installing
or removing attachments. Do not
operate without guard(s) in place.
• Operate power equipment only at reasonable hours-not early in the
morning or late at night when people might be disturbed.
• To reduce noise levels, operate power blowers at the lowest possible
throttle speed to do the job.
• Use rakes and brooms to loosen debris before blowing.
• In dusty conditions, slightly dampen surfaces.
• Watch out for children, pets and open windows. Blow debris away
• Use the full blower nozzle extension so the air stream can work close to
the ground.
• After using blowers and other equipment, CLEAN UP! Dispose of
debris in trash receptacles.