• FORZA 150
Warning: Brake is related to personal safely and shall be kept in good order.
If the brake system or brake lining needs repair, you are strongly recommended to have the job done by your distributor. They are equipped with
complete tools and proficient techniques and capable to do it in a safe and economical way.
Front brake
For the brake, the distance from natural status to braking action is known as “free play”. If the front brake is a drum brake, the free play of brake
lever measured at lever bracket shall be 10-20mm.
1← Rotate the adjusting nut of front brake clockwise or counterclockwise to adjust the free play to specified value.
2← After free play adjustment, lift the front wheel off the ground. Rotate the front wheel to check for any resistance. At the same time, press the
front brake lever firmly and there shall be adequate clearance between the front brake lever and handgrip.
If the front brake is a disk brake, the free play of brake lever measured at lever bracket shall be 5-10mm.
Hydraulic brake system shall be checked everyday, as follows:
1← Check for leakage in the front wheel brake system.
2← Check for any leakage or crack in oil pressure pipe.