Set Time: Set the time in the following 24HR format hh:mm.
Set Date: Set the date in the following format. mm/dd/yy.
Status Update: Press to update the display with current BBS information.
Reset Outage Meter: Resets both the internally stored Outage Counter and
the external Outage Meter. The unit will keep a total running count of all
Reset Run Time Meter: Resets both the internally stored current Run Time
Meter and the external Run Time Meter. The unit will keep a total run time for
the life of the unit.
Display Event Buffer: Scroll out the BBS events to the display. All events are
stamped with the date and time. Events supported are:
Utility Failure-current number of outages displayed (BBS is in backup mode,
Relay A is activated).
Utility Restore-run time for the current outage displayed.
Low Batt.-The useful battery capacity has reached the level set by the
potentiometer on the unit, Relay B is activated.
2HR Outage-The BBS has been in backup mode for 2 hours.
Protective shutdown-The BBS reached the low voltage shutdown level and
shutdown to prevent deep discharge.
Power Up-the unit has been turned on after being off.
Serial Access Start-Serial communications have begun.
Serial Access Stop-Serial communications have been terminated.
Program Change-AC Level, Outage Reset, or Run Time Reset will be
displayed (one listing for each instance).
BBS Failure listings (TBD).
Change AC Level Setting.
Switches AC threshold range between Generator (95-134VAC) with restores
at 100, 129 and Standard (100-130VAC) with restores at 105, 125.
Press “Esc” to return to the BBS Communications Interface Screen”
Change AC Level Setting: Switches AC threshold range between Generator
(95-134VAC) with restores at 100, 129 and Standard (100-130VAC) with restores
at 105, 125.
Model Number: Enter the model number of the unit using ASCII-Numeric text
(8 character maximum).
Serial Number: Enter the serial number of the unit using ASCII-Numeric text
(8 character maximum).
Exiting HyperTerminal:
At any time you may terminate the terminal session by using File/Exit or clicking the X