Alarms — Alarm setup
The Alarm setup represents the final filtering stage for VB7880 Advanced Content Extractor alarms.
The user selects whether an alarm should be enabled or ignored, and associates an error severity level
with each alarm. When changes have been made to alarm settings click the
Apply changes
button for
changes to take effect.
Note that the VB7880 Advanced Content Extractor alarm handling will also depend on the threshold
settings assigned to a stream defined by the user (
Multicasts — Ethernet thresh.
Multicasts —
Service thresh.
for multicasts,
OTT — Thresholds
for OTT and
Caption — Thresholds
for captions).
Also note that only enabled alarms are shown in the alarm lists and forwarded as SNMP traps. Enabling or
disabling Extractor alarms does however not affect the alarms presented by the VideoBRIDGE Controller.
The following alarm severity levels may be selected:
If enabled, the alarm will be present in the alarm list, color green
If enabled, the alarm will be present in the alarm list, color yellow
If enabled, the alarm will be present in the alarm list, color orange
VB7880 Advanced Content Extractor User’s Manual version 5.2