Audio PID (PID Number)
The audio PID of the selected service. Note that there may be several
audio PIDs associated with a service.
The audio encoding standard
Has PCR:
Yes if the selected Audio PID contains PCR
The language of the audio, as defined in the Program Map Table (PMT)
The audio PID bitrate of the selected service
Is scrambled:
Yes if the audio PID is scrambled.
Peak level:
The peak audio level in dB, detected during a period of approximately
0.4 second
Average level:
The average audio level in dB, measured over a period of approximately
0.4 second
Audio Information PID (PID Number)
The audio encoding format
The audio sample rate
The number of audio channels represented by the audio PID
The audio channel layout
The binary format of the audio stream
The effective audio bitrate
If the Extractor cannot generate a thumbnail from the signal, it will present one of the following icons:
Shown if no data is received for the stream or if no PSI is found. There should be a
match between presenting this icon and a No-signal alarm; however since the alarm and
thumbnail mechanisms work independently of each other they have been given different
names (loss of signal and no signal).
Shown while the thumbnail engine is trying to decode a thumbnail picture and more
precise status information has not yet been obtained. This icon is typically displayed after
extractor reboot or if new streams have recently been joined.
Shown if the service does not carry a video PID — which is the case for radio services.
The stream contains no service, as signaled in PSI/SI.
The signal cannot be decoded due to excessive CC errors.
VB7880 Advanced Content Extractor User’s Manual version 5.2