If enabled, the alarm will be present in the alarm list, color red
If enabled, the alarm will be present in the alarm list, color black
The following alarms and events are configured:
ETH (Ethernet) alarms
Scrambling expected:
The service should have been
scrambled but is sent in clear
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
Scrambling not expected:
The service should have been clear
but is scrambled
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
Freeze-frame detected:
The service has frozen frames
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
Color-freeze detected:
The service has frozen in one color
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
Audio silence detected:
The service has silent audio tracks
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
No data detected:
The service has no data on video
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
CC Errors detected:
The service has an excessive
amount of CC errors
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
No signal detected:
The stream has no signal
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
Wrong DAR:
The stream has wrong Display As-
pect Ratio
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
Wrong PAR:
The stream has wrong Pixel Aspect
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
Missing custom video PID:
A custom video PID has been con-
figured in the service threshold, but
the PID does not appear in the
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
SYS (System) events
[Critical system errors]:
Enable this to view all critical sys-
tem errors
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Fatal’
[System errors]:
Enable this to view all system errors
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Major’
[System info]:
Enable this to view system informa-
tion messages
Default: Enabled, sever-
ity ‘Ok’
VB7880 Advanced Content Extractor User’s Manual version 5.2