6. More solutions
More solutions from the world of Semeda
Semeda information material for parents –
practical information about splint treatment
In our information material for parents, we have summarised the most
important information for parents about our orthoses and correct splint
treatment. Interested parties can download the brochures in various
languages from our website at www.semeda.de under the section
NEW! The Semeda Wearing Diary app –
everything under control digitally
A consistent daily implementation of splint treat-
ment is an important building block for a lasting
therapeutic success. With the Semeda Wearing
Diary app, I can easily and conveniently record
my wearing times digitally and thus optimally im-
plement my therapy scheme. Many other practi-
cal functions make the app a smart companion
during splint treatment. Available now free of
charge in the Playstore and the App Store
Play time: video section at www.semeda.de
You will find a video section on our website with an overview, back
ground information and case studies of the Ponseti Method and splint