Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
SEL-351R Falcon Data Sheet
Guideform Specification
The microprocessor-based recloser control shall provide a
combination of functions including protection, monitoring,
control, fault locating, and automation. Recloser control
self-checking functions shall be included. Specific opera-
tional and functional requirements are as follows.
Autoreclosing Control. The recloser control shall
incorporate a four-shot control. It shall include
four independently set open time intervals, an inde-
pendently set reset time from reclose cycle, and an
independently set reset time from lockout.
Coordination With Downstream Reclosers. The
recloser control shall include 38 standard recloser
time-overcurrent curves and sequence coordination
logic for secure and dependable operation.
Phase Fault Overcurrent Protection. The recloser
control shall incorporate phase and negative-sequence
overcurrent elements for detection of phase faults. For
added security, the recloser control shall provide direc-
tional elements, load- encroachment logic, and
torque-control capability (internal and external).
Ground Fault Overcurrent Protection. The
recloser control shall incorporate residual ground
overcurrent elements for detection of ground
faults. For added security, the recloser control shall
provide directional elements and torque-control
capability (internal and external).
Phase Under- and Overvoltage Elements. The
recloser control shall incorporate undervoltage and
overvoltage elements for creating protection and
control schemes, including but not limited to volt-
age checks (e.g., hot bus/dead line) for reclosing;
blown transformer high-side fuse-detection logic;
and control schemes for capacitor banks.
Sequence Voltage Elements. The recloser control
shall incorporate positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence
voltage elements that can be logically configured for
either under- or overvoltage applications.
Under- and Overfrequency Protection. The
recloser control shall incorporate six levels of
under- and overfrequency elements for detection of
power system frequency disturbances. Each setting
level shall use an independently set timer for load-
shedding or generator-tripping schemes.
Synchronism Check. The recloser control shall
include two synchronism-check elements with separate
maximum angle settings (e.g., one for autoreclosing
and one for manual closing). The synchronism-check
function shall compensate for close time and constant
phase-angle differences between the two voltage
sources used for synchronism check (phase-angle dif-
ferences are settable in 30-degree increments).
IED Communications. The recloser control shall
include the capability for communication of inter-
nal logic values to a remote relay or recloser con-
trol via serial communications. These values shall
be available for use in control logic.
Secure Communications. The recloser control shall
include an optional accessory for converting an
EIA-232 serial port to encrypted and authenticated
IEEE 802.11b wireless communication. Software shall
be provided with this accessory to allow a personal
computer (PC) or personal data assistant (PDA) access
to the wireless port.
Operator Controls. The recloser control shall
include 10 operator controls on the recloser control
front panel; these functions shall also be accessible
in the recloser control logic. Nine of the operator
controls shall include pushbuttons and LEDs with
programmable functions and indications.
Event Reporting and Sequential Events
Recorder (SER). The recloser control shall be capa-
ble of automatically recording disturbance events of
15 or 30 cycles with settable prefault duration and
user-defined triggering. Events shall be stored in non-
volatile memory. The recloser control shall include an
SER that stores the latest 512 entries.
Status and Trip Target LEDs. The recloser con-
trol shall include 16 status and trip target LEDs.
Recloser Wear Monitor. The recloser control
shall include a recloser wear monitor with
user-definable wear curves, operation counter, and
accumulated interrupted currents by phase.
Battery Monitor. The recloser control shall measure
and report the battery voltage level. User-selectable
parameters shall be provided to put the control to sleep
for low battery voltage or for a lengthy outage.
Fault Locator. The recloser control shall include a
fault-locating algorithm to provide an accurate estimate
of fault location without communications channels, spe-
cial instrument transformers, or prefault information.
Automation. The recloser control shall include
16 local control elements, 16 remote control logic
points, 16 latching logic points, and 16 display mes-
sages in conjunction with a local display panel. The
recloser control shall have the capability to display cus-
tom messages.
Recloser Control Logic. The recloser control shall
include programmable-logic functions for a wide range
of user-configurable protection, monitoring, and control
Communication. The recloser control shall
include two independent EIA-232 serial ports and
one optional EIA-485 serial port for external com-
munication. There shall be an option for DNP3
Level 2 protocol with bitmapping.
IRIG-B. The recloser control shall include an interface
port for a demodulated IRIG-B time synchronization
input signal.
PC Software. The recloser control shall include com-
patibility with a PC software program for use in pro-
gramming control settings and logic functions, and
retrieving event data. The PC software shall be included,
but it is not necessary to use the recloser control.
Power Supply. The recloser control shall accept
120 Vac or 230 Vac (or 125 Vdc or 250 Vdc).
Warranty. The relay shall have a minimum
10-year worldwide warranty.