Version Nr. 1-5 - 13.06.2022
Doc. No. 99580320001
6 / 15
Test function
Different test functions can be used depending on the combination of keys pressed. Such tests run for the
duration of 4 minutes.
“SET+▲” tests cooling relays.
“SET+▼” tests Alarms and Heater relays
Important Notes
Whilst programming, if no button is pressed for 10 seconds, the display starts flashing, and after 1 minute
returns to the main display without saving changes.
To increase scrolling speed, press and hold the ▲ or ▼ button for at least 5 seconds.
When pressing “PRG” for 3 seconds, the firmware revision code is displayed for 2 seconds.
When cleaning the controller panel, do not use ethanol, hydrocarbons, ammonia or their by-products.
Use neutral detergents and water.