• When closing the door, there should never be anything between the door and the safe
(eg a paper clip). The bolts must be fully retracted.
• Do not fill the safe to such an extent that it is hard to close the door. The locking mechanism
could then seize up as a result of pressure on the inner plate.
• Ensure that the key in the door does not hit a wall when opening. This can cause the key to snap,
and can damage the mechanism. The use of a distorted key can damage the lock.
• If you find that the lock becomes harder to open or stiffer, never use oil or graphite powder to
‘lubricate’ the lock. This can make the tumblers sticky, which could prevent the lock from
opening at all. Your supplier can advise you on the correct cleaning product to use.
• The outside of your safe can be cleaned with a slightly damp cloth. Never use chemical
cleaning agents.
• Always use new 9V Alkaline batteries.
Although your safe has been manufactured with the greatest care, a fault may nevertheless occur,
such as:
The locking mechanism does not work.
You cannot open your safe.
Faulty lock.
You lose your key.
You forget your code for a digital lock.
The most important rule is not to try and force anything. The locking mechanism in particular is made
of precision components which can be damaged.