Upper temperature limit
This sets the highest temperature setting the
SCS311 or SCS317 will allow to be
Default setting is 30˚C
TPI cycles per hour
This setting helps the TPI energy saving
software to operate correctly depending on
the type of heating system you have
Optimum start
This calculates the amount of time the
SCS311 or SCS317 may need to switch on
in advance of the next target temperature
setting in order to meet the requirement
Tamper setting
This setting allows a 4 digit release code to
be set up to stop unauthorised adjustments
being made in multi occupancy buildings
Set up Z-Wave
Sub Menu
Include node / receiver
Include other devices
onto the network.
Exclude node / receiver
Remove devices from
a network.
Send NIF
Sends a Node
Information Frame
(NIF) as a broadcast
Used for inclusion or
exclusion by another
controller. This mode
can be used for the
reception of the
primary controller role
following a controller
shift initiated by the
current primary