Binary switch
Set command
0x00, Cancel holiday mode
0xFF, Set holiday mode, starting
from today and lasts for 7 days, previously
stored holiday dates are over written
Get command
0xFF, Holiday mode is on/enabled
0x00, Holiday mode is off
Precise dates can only be set locally on
SCS311 or SCS317
Thermostat operating
When SCS311 or SCS317 sends a control
message to the switch(es) in Association
Group 2 it will send and unsolicited
thermostat operating state report to the
gateway node in Association Group 1
Battery level
Reports battery level as a %, levels below
20% will report a low battery warning to
gateway nodes in Association Group 1
Two association groups are supported
Group 1 - This node receives unsolicited
message from the following events
Thermostat set point
Thermostat operating state
Multilevel sensor
Binary switch
Only one node can be associated to
Association Group 1.
Reports either call for heat (active) or idle