ProLogic L66
Operation Instructions
Also by default Time Table 02 is set to “N” which means this profile is disabled and its Time Table will
not be followed.
By default the daily settings are set from 00:00 to 00:00 – which means the safe can be opened all day as
shown below:
Changing the Y to N on any given day will disable the Time Table for that day in this profile. The time
values will change to --:--, instead of showing a time. This indicates that the safe lock will not open at
any time according to this Time Table profile.
If you were to change the Y to N on Sunday, you are disabling the safe from opening in Time Table 1
However, if Time Table 02 Profile is set to Y, meaning it is enabled, and the daily setting for Sunday is set
to Y 08:00 – 17:00 then Time Table 2 will allow users to open the safe from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
The system looks first to the Time Tables to see if they are enabled; and then if enabled, the system
looks to the enabled opening times as scheduled in the daily settings to determine if the lock should be
Setting two opening periods per day
As an example we will set two opening periods in each day as follows:
This business is open from 7am to 2am the following morning. Therefore the following Time Table
settings must be specified:
Safe can be opened from 00:00 to 02:00 – this is the 1
Opening Period
Safe Time Locked 02:00 to 07:00
Safe can be Opened: 7:00 to 00:00 – this is the 2
Opening Period
Step 1: Set Time Table 01 to Y, meaning this Time Table is enabled
Step 2: Set each daily setting to Y, with an Opening Time of 00:00 to 02:00