If the new firmware introduces significant changes compared to the one on RGDAT
, it is
recommended to reset the default data on the RGDAT also before updating the firmware.
After a firmware upgrade may be necessary to reconfigure the RGDAT-A70 operating parameters,
especially if the flashing red LED “Fault” indicates a situation of internal fault. In such case, you must
apply the default data, update the clock, and then restart the RGDAT-A70; after doing this, the specific
configuration data can be set up.
The item "
Default data
" restores the RGDAT-A70 configuration values to defaults one.
With a proper checkbox you can set voltages calibration status in condition "Voltages not calibrated".
This can be useful if you want to move the device RGDAT-A70 to another plant and you want to be
sure that voltages calibration procedure will be executed.
other items in this menu are reserved for exclusive use by the manufacturer and they are
normally disabled in the version of the software that is released to end users.
“Preferences” Menu
Provides access to the settings of user interface language of the program and to the selection of the
serial port used for communication with RGDAT-A70.
Preferences are stored in the registry.
The item "
User interface language
" allows you to change the language used in menus and dialog
If you change the user interface language, you must restart the program to make the changes
effective. An appropriate dialog-box reminds this.
P515D851 Rev. E
November 2019
Pag. 35 of 45
Please refer to Addendum B for further information