In fault recording event function, a trip of directional earth fault threshold with negative sequence
voltage as reference, is labelled as 67N.S1, and in detailed data you will see the angle between that
voltage and residual current.
Voltage presence function (59)
This function uses three phases voltages measurement, and provides the voltage presence signaling
when the value of at least one of the phase voltages is higher than 80% of the rated value of phase
The voltage presence function has two thresholds values:
voltage presence threshold, set at 80% of rated voltage (with accuracy of 4%)
voltage absence threshold, set at 20% of rated voltage (with accuracy of 4%)
These thresholds are used to detect transitions between voltage presence/absence condition as
starting from the condition of line voltage absence, the logical state Voltage Presence is
acknowledged if, for at least 250 ms, it is detected the condition:
(V4 > 80%Vn) OR (V8 > 80%Vn) OR (V12 > 80%Vn)
starting from the condition of line voltage presence, that logical state is no more acknowledged if it
is detected the condition:
(V4 < 20%Vn) AND (V8 < 20%Vn) AND (V12 < 20%Vn)
without delay.
Voltage Presence signaling is provided by relay TSPresV, whose contacts are connected to terminal
block MB and acquired by remote control system. Three green LEDs on the front of the device, one
for each phase voltage, turns on when the voltage presence condition is detected for that phase.
Residual overvoltage protection (59Vo)
This protection function can be enabled or disabled by the user (default is disabled).
The threshold value of residual overvoltage protection can be set from 1% to 40% of rated voltage, in
steps of 1%. This threshold has a time delay, whose value can be set from 0.05 to 60 s, in steps of
0.05 s.
By means of the programming software, signaling protection intervention of residual overvoltage
threshold is user configurable on TS67AV and/or TS51A relay, whose contacts are connected to the
terminal block MB and acquired by remote control system (default TS67AV).
P515D851 Rev. E
November 2019
Pag. 10 of 45