Jumper 25
Instruction Man u al
(1) Moulded plastic fuel tank
(1) Pre-assembled fuel tank stop per
(1) Weighted fuel pick-up (clunk)
(2) Main wheels
(1) Undercarriage
(2) 3 x 12mm metal screws for spin ner
(4) 3 x 250mm metal screws for main
(1) Spinner with backplate
(4) Wheel collars with four 3 x 18mm set
(2) 140mm long threaded rod for aileron
(5) Nylon clevises
(1) Adjustable servo connector
(5) Nylon snap keepers
(5) 3 x 350mm machine screws, washers
& nuts
(5) Nylon adjustable control horns
(2) Nylon wing bolts
(4) 4 x 30mm machine screws
(8) 4mm washers
(4) 4mm nuts
To avoid scratching your new aer o plane
we sug gest that you cover your work-
bench with an old towel. Keep a couple
of jars or bowls handy to hold the small
parts after you open the bags.
Please trial fi t all parts. Make sure you
have the correct parts and that they fi t
and are aligned prop er ly be fore gluing!
This will ensure proper as sem bly as the
Jumper 25
is made from nat u ral ma-
terials and minor ad just ments may have
to be made.
The paint and plastic parts used in this kit
are fuel proof. How ev er, they are not tol-
erant of many harsh chem i cals in clud ing
the fol low ing: paint thinner, cyano-acr-
ylate glue ac cel er a tor, cy anoacr ylate
glue de-bonder and acetone. Do not let
these chem i cals come in contact with the
colours on the covering and the plas tic
We highly recommend using 30 minute
epoxy as it is stronger and provides
more working time, al low ing the builder
to properly align the parts. Using fast cure
epoxy when joining the wing halves could
2. Test fi t the dihedral brace into each wing
half. The brace should slide in easily up
to the centreline that you drew. If not, use
220 grit sandpaper with a sanding block
and sand down the edges and ends of
the brace until it fi ts properly.
The dihedral brace is cut in the shape
of a “V”. This shape gives the wing the
correct dihedral angle. Make sure you
do not test fi t the brace upside down.
3. Remove the brace when sat is fi ed with
its fi t in each wing half. Coat both sides
of one half of the di he dral brace with 30
minute epoxy. Next, pour some epoxy into
the dihedral box in one wing panel. Make
sure you cover the top and bottom as well
as the sides of the dihedral brace. Use
enough epoxy to fi ll any gaps.
4. Insert the dihedral brace into the di he dral
box up to the centreline. With paper tow-
els wipe off any ex cess epoxy that may
have squeezed out of the joint .
result in the glue drying before the wing
halves are aligned properly which may
result in failure of the wing cen tre section
during fl ight.
1. Locate the plywood wing dihedral brace.
Using a ruler, locate its centre and draw
a vertical line .