Jumper 25
Instruction Man u al
move too much, turn the adjustable control
horns out away from the wing. Do the op po site
if there is not enough throw. It is im por tant
that both ai le rons move the same amount,
both up and down.
D) Once the control throws and
move ments are set, tubing must be added to
the cle v is es to ensure they do not release in
the air. Cut a piece of fuel line into fi ve 1/4”
long pieces. Unsnap the clevises and slip
one piece over each clevis. Snap the clevises
back in place and slide the tubing up over
1) Completely charge your transmitter
and re ceiv er batteries before your fi rst day of
fl ying.
2) Check every bolt and every glue joint
in the PC-9 to ensure that everything is tight
and well bond ed.
We wish you many safe and en joy a ble
fl ights with your
Jumper 25
8) Properly balance the propeller. An
out of balance propeller will cause excessive
vi bra tion which could lead to engine and/or
air frame fail ure.
3) Double check the balance of the
air plane. Do this with the fuel tank empty.
4) Check the control surfaces. All should
move in the correct direction and not bind in
any way.
5) If your radio transmitter is equipped
with dual rate switches double check that they
are on the low rate setting for your fi rst few
fl ights.
6) Check to ensure the control surfaces
are mov ing the proper amount for both low
and high rate set tings.
7) Check the receiver antenna. It should
be ful ly extended and not coiled up inside the
fu se lage.