TapeStor Travan Portable USB Tape Drive
Online User Guide
Cleaning the tape drive mechanism
We recommend periodic cleaning of the tape drive
mechanism using an approved dry-process Travan clean-
ing cartridge. Generally, the more severe the operating
conditions (the greater the amount of dust or moisture in
the air), the more often the drive should be cleaned. Be
sure to clean the drive immediately if you observe an
increase in the number of errors while running your
backup software, or if a TapeAlert cleaning message is
With the newer generation of Travan tape drive heads
used in these drives, only the dry-process cleaning-
cartridge method is recommended. This method does not
involve any flammable materials and provides a clean
recording surface by wiping away debris as the cleaning
material passes across the recording head. Residents of
the U.S. can purchase Travan cleaning cartridges (model
number STTMCL) directly from Seagate on the web at:
6/11/2002, 2:24 PM