Vortex M6
Due to potential hazards associated with any electrical equipment, it is important that the
user is familiar with the instructions covering the capabilities and the operation of this
instrument. The user should ensure that all reasonable safety precautions are followed and
if any doubt exists, seek professional advice before proceeding.
The instrument is designed for use by suitably trained, competent personnel in a controlled
working environment and is intended for use as a wash testing instrument only.
This instrument has moving parts and while all reasonable steps have been taken to protect
personnel associated with these moving parts, incorrect or improper use of the equipment
could result in injury. Consideration should be given to the nature of these moving parts
when installing and setting up the equipment. Fully trained, competent personnel should
install this equipment. This instrument is intended for use in a residential, commercial, and
light industrial environment as detailed in EN 50081‐1.
SDL Atlas cannot be held responsible for any unauthorized modifications to the Vortex M6.
This instrument contains moving parts and hazardous live voltages. Under no circumstance
should the user try to prevent or restrict the movement of parts or gain access to the
internal circuitry.