Maintenance and Sanitation
The interior liner of the bin is in contact with a food
grade product: ice. The storage bin must be
cleaned and sanitized regularly to maintain a
sanitary environment. Scale that may form on the
plastic liner can be removed by scrubbing the
surface with a mixture of Scotsman Ice Machine
Scale Remover and hot water. Remove any scale
prior to cleaning.
To Remove Scale:
1. Mix a cleaning solution of 4 ounces of Scotsman
Ice Machine Scale Remover to 4 pints of hot
F.) water.
2. Using rubber gloves, dip a nylon scouring pad
into the cleaning solution and scrub the scale off
the liner.
3. After the scale has been removed, rinse all
surfaces inside the bin with clean, potable water.
To Sanitize the bin interior:
The hood must be removed from the storage bin
so that the joint between the two can be cleaned
and sanitized.
To remove the hood:
1. Open the storage bin door and locate the knobs
at the right and left inside wall.
2. Unscrew and remove the two knobs.
3. Pull the hood assembly and door straight out
from the ice machine. Note: the door may be
removed from the back of the hood when the hood
is off.
Use an approved sanitizer and follow the directions
and warnings of that sanitizer or use the following
instructions for use of household bleach, if it meets
local codes:
1. Mix sanitizing solution of 1 ounce of household
bleach to 2 gallons of water.
2. Using clean rubber gloves and a clean cloth,
wipe all interior surfaces of ice storage bin, hood
and door with sanitizing solution. Be sure and wipe
the joint between the hood and bin with the
sanitizing solution. Use a clean brush to thoroughly
swab all interior surfaces with the sanitizing
3. Reassemble and allow to air dry.
Stainless Steel Components Inside Bin
The stainless steel parts in the bin also require
periodic cleaning. Chemicals in the water supply,
such as chlorine, cause brown stains to appear on
the surface of the stainless steel parts.
1. General Cleaning - staining is usually removed
by washing the parts with ordinary cleaning powder
such as Bon-Ami or Copper-Glo and water. After
cleaning, rinse with clear water.
2. Water treatment. The chlorine enters the
machine from the municipal water supply. It can be
removed from the water supply by using a charcoal
or activated carbon water filter to treat the water to
the ice machine. If staining is severe, filters of this
type are recommended.
Exterior Cabinet Cleaning:
The exterior cabinet may be cleaned by scrubbing
with soap and water. Do not use cleaners
containing petroleum products.
A nylon type brush may be used to scrub stubborn
April 2010
Page 13
Scotsman Ice Machine
Cleaner contains acids.
These compounds may
cause burns.
If swallowed, DO NOT
induce vomiting. Give
large amounts of water or
milk. Call Physician
immediately. In case of
external contact, flush
with water.