08.00 | NSE3 138, NSE-T3 138 | VERO-S quick-change pallet system | en |
1152197 -NSE3 NSE-T3
Hose-free direct
connection for
dynamic pressure
monitoring of the
"OPEN" clamping
slide position
Installation type: full installation
Clamping slide axis
Air outlet for dynamic
pressure monitoring of the
clamping slide position
Hose-free direct connection
for turbo → ←
Installation situation: partial installation
Hose-free direct connection for media transfer unit 1
for O-ring Ø 9 x 1.5
Air outlet for dynamic
pressure monitoring of the
clamping slide position
Hose-free direct connection
for media transfer unit 2
Hose-free direct
connection for
dynamic pressure
monitoring of the
"CLAMPED" clamping
slide position
Hose-free direct connection
for unlocking ← →
Dynamic pressure NSE3 138 / NSE3 138-K / NSE3 138-V1 / NSE3 138-V1-K / NSE3 138-P / NSE3 138-P-K
If the pneumatic monitoring function for monitoring the
clamping slide position is not used, it must be ensured that the
quick-change pallet systems can be loaded or unloaded without
being damaged.
• Before
loading or unloading
the clamping pallet, ensure that all
integrated clamping modules are unlocked.
Before beginning the machining process,
ensure that the
integrated clamping modules are locked, and that the clamping
pallet is placed flat on the bearing surface.