2. Operating Advice
Because of the chemical resistance use only a damp cloth for cleaning the light fitting. If necessary
with a mild and solvent-free cleaning agent.
Against penetration of humidity into the light fitting a special explosion-proof breathing gland is often
quite effective. It is allowed to use a breathing gland which is released by the Adolf Schuch GmbH
only. If using a breathing gland please observe the general informations of it's operation
Any application of the light fitting that is incorrect or even forbidden will lead to the fact that the
manufacturer's warranty is lost.
The diffuser panels above the LED boards must not be removed.
LED are sensitive electronic components. Please ensure that the LED are protected against
mechanical and electrostatic attacks whenever the light fitting is open. For this reason the LED
must not be touched either.
Due to harmful gases and other corrosive substances (e.g. ammoniac, sulphur- or chlorine
compounds) it may come to damages of the LEDs. Depending on the substance, the concentration,
the temperature and the dwell time, damages up to total black-out are possible. This may occur
also to fittings with high degree of protection. The suitability of the light fitting for the respective
application can only be checked by running a test at site.
Due to a high inrush current when switching on the light fitting, the number of light fittings which can
be connected to a single fused circuit is limited (Possible number of light fittings per circuit breaker
see Chapter 3, Technical Data).
All DALI dimmable light fittings have two additional terminals marked „DA“. Lines to the control
terminals must be mains voltage proof.
LED modules are built up of a series connection, which itself is built up of parallel connections of
single LEDs. Failures of LEDs do not necessarily lead to a change in the power consumption,
which is recognized by the emergency light unit.
Version without
battery box
Version with
battery box