Fig. 3
It is recommended that gloves
be worn when cleaning the
unit. Suitable cleaning agents
include Palmolive and Fairy
Ultra. Perfectan, Kohrsolin or
Sekusept may be used for
disinfection. The hand unit
and the accessories should be
washed under warm running
water. The hand unit, nebuli-
ser head, mouthpiece, baffle
plate and valve should be dis-
infected using a disinfectant
that is compatible with
plastics. They may be cleaned
in a dishwasher or disinfected
in a vaporizer. The nebuliser
head, mouthpiece, baffle
plate and valve may be boiled
or autoclaved at up to 134 °C.
It is recommended that users in
Germany use one of the disin-
fectants listed in the current
DGHM* list. Preparations based
on compounds that release
halogens, strong organic acids
and oxygen-releasing com-
pounds are not suitable as they
may damage the material of
the inhalation unit.
*German Society for Hygiene and
Please note:
Alternating between disinfec-
tion and autoclaving is not sui-
table as this would shorten the
working life of the unit.
• Do not use solvents such as
acetone or benzene.
• Do not allow water or disin-
fectant solution to enter the
power socket of the hand
top seiten engl. 03.04.2003 15:52 Uhr Seite 13