NBS – Fan coil unit
Construction subject to change.
No return possible.
Version: 06.05.21 | Page 22
Air filter
Filters should cleaned or replaced regularly. SCHAKO
recommends a bimonthly check at high-medium air quality
and a monthly check at low air qualities. If no differential
pressure gauge is available, the filter should be replaced
when it is full (dark filter mat). SCHAKO recommends
purchasing replacement filters to avoid prolonged downtimes
during maintenance activities.
Heat exchanger
The registers should be cleaned and ventilated once every
three months and the ribs should be checked to ensure that
there are no leaks.
Condensate discharge
Twice a year you should check to ensure that there are
neither corrosion nor leaks, and the condensate drains should
be cleaned.
Motorised fan
Twice a year the fan operation should be checked in the
different speeds to ensure that no exceptional noise is
generated and that the motor intensity does not exceed the
maximum allowed value.
The motors of the NBS fans are equipped with capacitors of
class A to EN-60252-1. These components have a limited
service life. SCHAKO recommends replacing the capacitors
every 5 years or after 20,000 operating hours.
Overvoltage can significantly reduce the service life of
For maintenance, service, retrofitting, etc., inspection
openings in sufficient number and size must be provided on
site. When determining the size of inspection openings, the
size of the unit and any mounted components, such as valves
and electrical boxes, must be taken into account!