Saia-Burgess Controls AG
User Manual Standby System
Document 27-645
Edition E
NG 02
Secondary device symbol file name
For “Separate symbol files” only. The name of the global symbol file that defines
the media to be transferred between CPU0 and CPU1 of the Secondary device.
The default name is “ToRedSymbolsSecondary”.
Redundant Device (CPU1)
This represents CPU1 in both the primary and the secondary PCD3.M6880
devices. It runs the same program in both devices. This program is the process
which has redundancy.
Redundant device name
The name of the CPU1 device in the PG5. This device’s program is loaded into
CPU1 of the primary and the secondary devices.
Redundant device symbol file name
The name of the global symbol file that defines the media to be transferred
between CPU1 and CPU0 of the primary and the secondary devices. For “Sin-
gle symbol files”, the default file name is “RedSymbols”. For “Separate symbol
files”, the default file name is “FromRedSymbols.sy5”.
Set Defaults button
Press this to set the default device and file names. The same defaults are used
when a new redundancy system is first created by adding a PCD3.M6880 de
vice to the project.
OK button
When OK is pressed, Project Manager checks for the presence of the Primary,
Secondary and Redundant devices and symbol files. If any devices or files are
missing, Project Manager will ask if you want to create them:
Press ‘Yes’ to automatically create the indicated devices and files. If the devices
or files already exist but have different names, you can press ‘No’ and then
rename them manually using the device’s or file’s ‘Properties’. Project Manager
will not rename them automatically.
Press ‘No’ if you want to create these devices or files manually, restore them
from a backup, or import them an existing project.