Saia-Burgess Controls AG
PCD7.D443WTxRx | Document 27-644 | Version ENG04 | 2017-10-30
- For control in LOG.TXT (UBT_FS/LOG.TXT)
9.4.2 Decompressing gif files to the video cache when starting using a dummy start page
Give all gifs in a teq start page that serves as a placeholder.
This solution allows you to decompress the gif files to the video cache before the real page for the
project is displayed.
Decompression has already ended when the first page of the project is shown.
Disadvantage: You have to wait for decompression to end before the first page is shown.
Create a dummy page with:
.. a text such as "Please wait while the images are loaded"
.. the ViewJump_onTimeout macro allows to jump to the correct first page of the
9.4.3 Decompressing gif files: Evaluation/calculation
Available for the solutions from Sections 9.4.1 and 9.4.2
How do you evaluate the number of gifs in the video cache on the basis of the number of pixels in
the gif images? The total video cache (permanent and flushable) is 16 MB. This includes 4 to 6 MB
for the permanent cache. The remaining 10 - 12 MB are available.
Examples showing the calculation of the number of images in the permanent video cache of
4 MB
1. The number of pixels in the images is 640 x 480 pixels (whole screen)
12 000 000 bytes / (640 x 480) x 2 = 19, this means a max. of 19 gif files can be in the cache
2. The number of pixels in the images is 120 x 120 pixels
12 000 000 bytes / (120 x 120) x 2 = 19, this means a max. of 400 gif files can be in the cache
The ratio of the size of the gif files to the number of pixels is not a "constant"