(then the cost of gas)
will each show for 5 seconds. Because you have only
just connected your new Saveometer these readings will be zero, and will progressively
increase to show you clearly how much you are spending on your electricity.
The Saveometer week runs from 00.00 am on Sunday to midnight on the following Saturday,
months are calendar months, and quarters (shown as ¼ on the display) are calendar quarters.
Now that your Saveometer is up and running
you can discover some of the many
other features that are at your finger tips – all designed to help you to save money, save
energy and minimise CO
emissions. You may like to spend a few minutes taking the display
around your premises and switch on various electrical appliances. You will probably find the
cost of using the oven, electric kettle and similar appliances quite a surprise! As you walk
around the house or commercial premises switching electrical equipment on and off, the
Saveometer will show you every 6 seconds the precise hourly cost of electricity you are using.
And please remember that for electricity …...
Every constant one penny (1 p) per hour is costing more than £85 a year!
Your Saveometer detects “atomic clock” radio signals that accurately reset and continuously
monitor ithe clock and calendar from transmitters located worldwide. These signals are
always strongest at night and they enable clocks to achieve an accuracy of better than 1
second in 1000 years! Thick brick or concrete walls, basements and close proximity to other
electronic apparatus, especially power supplies, may inhibit receiving atomic clock radio
signals. To optimise atomic clock radio signals it is best to extend the power cord a minimum
distance of 60 cms from power supply to the Saveometer display charger base.
Every night, between 1am – 4am, your Saveometer seeks a radio signal and will automatically
adjust itself for summer/winter time changes, as well as providing extreme accuracy. While a
signal is being received the radio icon will blink, & once received the icon will remain static.
The icon will disappear if a signal fails to be detected for more than 3 consecutive days. These
highly accurate radio signals are free, and available throughout the UK, most of Ireland &
Europe, the USA & Canada, much of the Middle East & Japan. To minimise interference with
the radio signals we recommend that your Saveometer display and charging base are located
at least 60 cms (about 20 inches) from any other electrical apparatus or power supplies
Minimum distance - 60 cms
(20”) to optimise reception
of atomic clock radio
signals. For optimum signal
strength remove display
from charger base and
stand over night near a
Any power supply,
transformer, or
similar electrical
apparatus including
florescent lighting, &
long life bulbs