During the "ringing time", the module is sending the ring signal to terminals T-1, R-1 so that
the call can be answered from a telephone connected to the extension line.
Turn off TL volt – turn off voltage on the telephone line terminals in the event of GSM
failure (e.g. insufficient range, defective antenna).
Show T l.failure – the option activates the function of displaying a message about
telephone line failure. It is used when the subscriber's line is permanently connected to the
Show dial. num. – the option which decides about displaying a telephone number when
a call is made via the module (e.g. when the control panel is reporting an alarm).
Signal testing – selecting this option results in checking the tone in telephone line, after
"pick-up". If no continuous tone is detected after approx. 2 seconds, the module will replace
the cable line with GSM telephone.
CLIP -> number – into what the "+" character of the calling number is to be converted
during the CLIP control
Any numbers – setting this option permits making outgoing calls from extension
telephone, via the GSM-4S module, to any numbers (considering "outgoing line numbers",
permanent prefixes, prefixes to be added and prefixes to be erased). If this function is
disabled, it will be possible to call, via GSM telephone, only those telephone numbers,
which the first digits (or complete numbers) are loaded into the module’s memory by the
function Tel. No 1 begin. ÷ Tel. No. 32 begin.
Routing signal – generation of the routing signal (audible signaling during connection
GSM main line – checking this option results in selecting the wireless SIM300CZ cellular
telephone as the basic line to make connections (initiated from the T-1, R-1 terminals).
If this option is unchecked, the cable line is the basic one.
Trbl. – switch l. – when this option is selected, the module, in case of cable telephone line
failure, will automatically switch over to making connections (initiated from terminals T-1,
R-1) through the GSM network
FLASH – GSM/TL – this option activates the function of choosing the connection route
(cable network/wireless GSM network) when making a call from a telephone connected to
the T-1, R-1 terminals. If this option is selected and after picking up the receiver we press
the FLASH key, then GSM-4S module switches from basic telephone line to alternative.
Which line is the basic one (cable network or wireless GSM network) is determined with
GSM main line function. If only one of lines be available, the module will choose it
automatically without possibility of switching.
Outgoing No. 1–4 – for these functions it is necessary to enter the telephone numbers,
which will be treated as the numbers for getting subscriber’s line (Public Exchange
Telephone Line), in case that the module is not directly connected to subscriber line, but
indirectly via private exchange (PBX) – see The rules for converting the numbers.
Perm. prefix 1–4 – initial digits of telephone numbers, that will not be corrected by calling
with GSM telephone. It may be for example: codes for GSM network and numbers with
area codes.
Prefix to erase – initial digits of telephone numbers, that will be deleted before sending
a number to GSM telephone. For example, prefix to erase can have the value: "0"
- standard outgoing number for a long-distance call.
Prefix to add – digits, that will be added at the beginning of telephone number before
sending to GSM telephone. The prefix to be added is the area code, which is used in the
location where the GSM-4S module is installed. The local telephone number, before
sending to GSM telephone, will be automatically complemented with the area code.