In order to bypass/unbypass the input or enable/disable the output from terminals R-1, T-1,
do the following:
Pick up the receiver and enter the control code (if correct, the device will generate four
short beeps and a long one).
Bypass/unbypass the input, following the procedure described in the Control function.
Hanging the receiver up will restore normal, operating mode of the device.
9.3 C
The violation of input, besides the telephone messaging, can also result in activating one or
several inputs/outputs simultaneously. To initiate such control it is necessary to program
functions.Bypassing in., Bypassed in., IN1–4 -> Outputs
This control can result in:
Bypassing the input(s).
Enabling output – if a cut-off time has been programmed for the output, it will switch on for
the time specified.
Changing the output status.
10. M
This function is related to the attendance of module’s inputs, and is activated by violation or
restoration to normal status (termination of violation) of the input, which is not bypassed.
Activation of output OT4 or its restoration to normal status, can also initiate messaging,
similar as for input.
Messaging will only be effected through the SIM300CZ mobile phone, maximally to four
telephone numbers. The messaging can have a form of SMS message, the sound
information or CLIP type information. For the voice messaging, it is possible to initiate the
function of calling a given number twice (two phone connections with replaying the message
each time).
Another form of messaging is the "test transmission". In order to inform the user of its
operability, the module will send an SMS with suitable contents, or call selected telephone
numbers within the programmed time period. Information on the status of outputs, inputs, and
telephone line availability can be attached to the SMS message.
Checking the current module status is also possible, owing to the CLIP -> Tel. option. It will
suffice to dial the SIM300CZ telephone number and hang up after a few call signals.
A moment later the module will generate an additional test transmission (independent of
those already programmed), i.e. it will send to the calling number an SMS message, CLIP
signal (one-time, not requiring acknowledgement) or a voice message.
It is possible to disable the function of messaging individually for each input, if the cable
telephone line is operative: messages will only be sent by module if the cable line is
damaged. In order to do so, deselect the TL ok, mess.Input n option for the selected input,
where n means the number of input. The status of such inputs will be indicated with "t" or "T"
letter on LCD display and in SMS messages, provided that the telephone line is OK.
However, when the analog telephone line is out of order, these symbols will change into "i" or
"I", which means that messaging from those inputs will be effected.
The telephone numbers to be notified and the test transmission period can be remotely
changed by sending SMS messages to the module. Such messages must contain the proper
password and the programmable parameter (see
Description of service functions
- page 36).