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(c) SARAD GmbH
power from its output. To force another recharging the connector to the Myriam has to be
removed and inserted again.
Filter replacement
Important note: Use only filters of the specified type. The filter material affects directly the
quality of the alpha spectroscopy. Wrong filter material causes malfunction.
To replace the filter, loose the small screw on the back of the pivot mounted arm. Swivel
away the arm towards the
front panel for free filter
access. Unscrew the filter
remove the old filter. Do
not touch the surface of
detector! Start a sample to
make the pump running.
The new filter can be
placed now very easily because the pressure of the pump fixes the filter on the air inlet. Take
care for the filter material because it is very sensitive against bending. Do not use any sharp-
edged tool. Fix the filter nut slightly using two fingers. Too strong fixing may damage the filter
as well.
The Myriam contains a high quality membrane pump to collect the aerosols on the filter. This
ensures a long life time and a very stable flow rate during the operation. Like all moved
mechanical part also the pump still undergoes an abrasion process. Therefore the proper
function should be checked periodically. If the Myiam is permanently used, the check can be
carried out monthly after the filter replacement. It is sufficient to do that once per year if the
instrument is only used from time to time (e.g. during calibration).
If the flow rate drops below 10% of the value stated in the calibration certificate, the pump
must be replaced because the flow rate affects the sensitivity (linear relationship).
A calorimetric mass flow sensor should be used for the flow measurement because those
types offer a very low flow resistance. Insert a new filter for the measurement.
To determine the flow rate, the detector head must be pivoted. Then a special adapter with
elastomere sealing (available from SARAD) can be pressed tightly at the filter nut to suck the
air through the air flow sensor.
Please check the Myriam for loose parts (detector head, pivot arm, filter nut).