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(c) SARAD GmbH
The set-up dialog allows the user to select the different operation modes and to change the
parameters required for online dose calculation. If the dialog is opened by the SETUP button
of the main window, all actual parameters are read from the Myriam (if accessible) and will
appear inside the edit lines.
The four upper fields are used for the personal and local assignment of the acquired data
later on. The
“User ID” is the primary key for the storage of the data at the hard disk and
should be distributed as a fixed personal number. The range of the “User ID” is 0 to 65535.
The items “Label 1”, “Label 2” and “Label 3” can be used to specify the location where the
instrument was operated. The range for these values is 0 to 255.
The radio buttons “Pump Mode” define how the instrument is operated, either using
“Sampling Mode” with running pump or using the “Filter Analysis” mode without pump.
Using the radio button group “Push Button” locks and unlocks the push button of the Myriam.
The edit fields in the lower part are important for the dose calculation and the alert check.
The alert level is valid for both, alpha and beta channel. The maximum value is 20000 µSv or
2000 mrem.
The meaning of the dose coefficients “ALPHA e(50)” and “BETA e(50)” is explained in detail
within the chapter “Data output”.
The item “Beta detection rate” needs to be considered more in detail. To achieve the beta
exposure, the total beta activity on the filter above an energy level of 200 keV is determined.
Because the part of emitted beta particles above this level is depending on the nuclide of
origin, the measured activity has to be corrected by a nuclide specific factor. Using the
energy spectrum of a beta emitter the factor “Beta Detection Rate” can be calculated by the
following expression: number of emitted particles with an energy above 200 keV multiplied by
100 and divided by the total number of emitted particles. Multiplying the quotient by the factor