PLV-HD2000 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications
Command with Address Specification
10.1. Overview
- Commands with address are used to remote control more than one projectors through RS-232C
by a computer.
- The command with address is defined as a single command per line that starts with “A” and
ends with carriage return (0x0D).
- When a projector receives carriage return (0x0D), it starts decoding.
- The address such as “A001” is prefixed to the Basic Serial Command or Expand Serial
Command already mentioned.
e.g.) Functional Execution Command: “A001C05” [CR]
e.g.) Status Read Command: “A001CR0” [CR]
- Projector has the function to set up its own address in Service mode.
Initial setting value is “No.001”
Available range of the value is “001” to “999”
- It clears the received buffer in the following cases.
When receiving LF (0x0A) or EOF (0x1A)
When it takes more than one second to receive a single command.
(when it takes more than one second until receiving carriage return after the reception of the
first data.)