PLV-HD2000 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications
9.10.6. CR_TEMPWARN Command
Get the information about the temperature inside the projector (close to/in the
abnormal status, in the safe temerature level or sensor not detect abnormal
It is possible to get the information about more than one sensors all at once if it is
Acceptable “000_%1”
Sensor 1 data comes first, and then one space, after that sensor
2 data is followed.
Each data is as below:
“W”--- in or close to the abnormal temp. (Warning Temp.)
“S”--- in the safe level of temp (Safe Temp.)
“N”--- the given sensor does not detect abnormal status.
e.g. “S_W” [CR] indicates that the temperature detected at
Sensor 1 is in the safe level while Sensor 2 in the abnormal
Note) For some models, when the difference between the
temperatures in Sensor 1 and 2 is over the given threshold, it may
be determined as abnormal temperature. In this case, the
second value in the response indicates the temperature
abnormality of the difference between these sensors.
Unacceptable “Error Code” [CR]
9.10.7. CR_TEMPFAIL Command
Get the temperature inside a projector when abnormal temperature status occurs.
It is possible to get the temperatures for more than one sensors all at once if it is
Acceptable “000_%1”
e.g. “_31.5F” [CR]
“_” indicates a space. When the temperature goes under 0, the
first character is “-“, like “-05.5F” [CR].
With more than one temperature sensors installed, projector
returns the response for each sensor in a row.
e.g. “_31.5F_ 35 2S” [CR]
The first data indicates sensor 1 data, then one space, and
sensor 2 data is followed.
Last character in each data indicates the sensor’s status.
In the abnormal temperature ---------------------- ”F”
In the sefe level of temperature -------------------- ”S”
Not related with the abnormal temperature ------ ”N”
The above second example indicates that the temperature
detected by sensor 1 is 31.5 which means in the abnormal
temperature, and at sensor 2 is 32.5 degrees which is in the safe
When the abnormal temperature status does not occur, the data
will be “_00.0S”.
When the projector is reset, “_00.0S” is set. Every time abnormal
temperature status is detected, it renews the data and returns it.
It only returns the renewed data of the latest abnormal
temperature and the previous data is cleeared.
Unacceptable “Error Code” [CR]