PDG-DWL2500 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications
“WHITE” -------- Select White
Select color of Closed caption.
The status set with this command is stored in EEPROM and its setting is effective
even after ALL is OFF.
This command is available in normal Power ON status.
Note)Closed caption is available under conditions below;
Entered signal is appropriate (Video, NTSC signal of S-video).
Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]
8.10.23 CF_RCODE Command
Command “CF_RCODE_%1”[CR]
"001” --------------------------- Select Code1
"002” --------------------------- Select Code2
“UP” --------------- The same operation as pressing Up key or Left key
“DN” --------------The same operation as pressing Down key or Right key
Select Code of Remote Control
The status set by this command is stored in EEPROM and its setting is effective
after ALL is OFF
This command is available in normal Power ON status.
Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]
8.10.24 CF_KEYDIS Command
Command “CF_KEYDIS_%1”[CR]
“NONE” ----------------------- RC & Projector keys are valid (All are valid)
“RC” ---------------------------- RC keys are invalid
“KEY” -------------------------- Projector keys are invalid
(This command is available to models with top panel buttons only.)
Disable RC/Projector keys
This command is available in normal Power ON status.
Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]
8.10.25 CF_PJPINCODE Command
Command “CF_PJPINCODE_%1”[CR]
“0000” – “9999” ---------Set PJ PIN CODE directly
Set PJ PIN CODE to release PJ LOCK.
PIN CODE cannot be changed by this command.
-When PJ LOCK is in operation
PIN CODE is correct ------------------------- Command is valid (Acceptable)
PIN CODE is incorrect ----------------------- Command is invalid(Error Code”102”)
PIN CODE is out of %1 range ------------- Command is invalid (Error Code “? “)
-When PJ LOCK is not in operation
PIN CODE is within %1 range ---------------- Command is valid (Acceptable)
PIN CODE is out of %1 range ---------------- Command is invalid (Error Code “? “)
This command is valid during a dialog “PJ PIN CODE” is displayed after Power On
and Count down.
Also when PJ LOCK setting is “On1”, it is necessary to transmit this command
every time lamp turns on.