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© Sansui UK 2011 WLD+700L IB Ver 1.0 Rev 0.0
Software upgrade and factory reset
Software upgrade
From time to time, Sansui may make software upgrades available with upgrades and/or additional features.
You can either check manually, or set WLD+201 to check periodically automatically (this is the default). If the
WLD+201 detects that newer software is available, it asks if you want to go ahead with an update. If you
agree, the new software is then downloaded and installed. After a software upgrade, all user settings are
CAUTION: Before starting a software upgrade, ensure that the WLD+201 is plugged into a stable mains power
connection. Disconnecting power during a software update may permanently damage the unit.
To turn automatic checking on or off, select
Menu >
System settings > Software update > Auto-check setting
Factory reset
A factory reset resets all user settings to default values, so time/date, network configuration and presets are
lost. However, the radio’s current software version is maintained, as is registration with the Internet radio
portal. Internet radio favourites therefore remain unless you re-register your radio with another account on
the portal
To perform a factory reset, select
Menu >
System settings > Factory reset
Proceed > Yes