Setting high/low limits value
To judge quickly if the coated film thickness of a product stays within a range of thicknesses corresponding to
management standards and controls, it is necessary to set high/low limits beforehand and if the numerical value on
display exceeds the limits, the number flashes and emits a warning sound.
Note: A 「CalibrationNo. 」 corresponds to a set of both limits values for settin
(1) Setting a High Limit value
Press H/L key.
The buzzer beeps.
A setting column for high/low limits is indicated
A high limit column flashes.
A high limit column flashes for about 20 seconds.
Press ▲ key to equate with a necessary value Press ▲ key during this 20 seconds, or
the setting column for high/low limits
If the number exceeds, press ▼ key to decrease disappears and returns automatically to the
numbers for equating. beginning. In this case try again the limit
setting from the beginning
Press H/L key. Note: When no high limit is needed, press H/L
The buzzer beeps. key without pressing ▲ key.
「H: - - - μm」 stops flashing
Cal. No. 1
Cal. No. 1
Lmt. H : - - - μm L : - - - μm